Wednesday 13 March 2013

Importance of hand gestures in communication

Imagine a person doing a presentation without the hand gesture, he/she just stands there and talk, imagine how hard is it to stay focus on what ever he’s saying even how interesting his presentation is but however overly use of hand gesture can be so annoying. Gestures are body action The appropriate use of hand gestures gives a speaker confidence and let him/herself express his/her emotions effectively and clearly, this also gets the listeners attention and help speaker describe or elaborate his topic. Here is a website that show what certain hand gestures mean and how to use those,
Be sure to visit this site because this surely will help you develop your hand gestures when talking.

But there are also danger in hand gestures, aside from that overly use of hand gesture could be so annoying, hand gestures could mean something else in other countries, as we learned in the beginning of our business communication course that there are cultural barriers, and gesture is one of those, we have to be really careful in using hand gestures in other countries and cultures, we can offend our audience.

How technology affect how we communicate.

Basically every person in Canada has cellphone, aside from my aunt who refuse to pay a fortune for having a cellphone, cellphones these days doesn’t just make phone call but also do whatever a computer can and this revolutionize the way we communicate. We have come a long way since the invention of telephone in 1874 and it keeps on changing day by day.

The development of technology brings a lot of advantages in communication, now, we have technology that let us connect with each other easily and effectively, this development creates a portal for us to communicate with our friends, family and colleagues faster easier and more often.  The use of electronic mail makes it possible of us to send letters memos and other form of formal and informal writing without the hassle of waiting for the recipient to receive it, this can not only be done through cell computers, can be use to send email like tablets and other devices that can connect to the internet.

Technology affect all aspect of our life specially when It come with communication and education, now we have online classes or E-schools just like what we have at Sheridan College, this allows student to be flexible this can be done by video conferencing and the use of Sheridan’s website like SLATE.

Technology makes the big world that we live in small and it builds bridges for us to connect and to communicate all over the world, language barriers can be overcome by the help of technology, online translators and applications help people to converse to other people who use different language.

Social Media Communication

Average student spend three hours on Facebook alone… I am guilty of sometimes spending more than three hours on Facebook. Other social media users don’t just read, they participate and write something weather it is about personal experience or events. Social media let us collaborate with people around the world and let us set aside or learn cultural differences, take Youtube for example, this social media makes it possible for us to share ideas and thoughts, this is truly a powerful medium of communication, it creates new forms of expression, new forms of identity and new forms of creativity.

There are countless advantages and uses of social media in communication and there is no doubt that it revolutionizes the way we communicate and interact with people and our audience. But however on the other hand there are a lot of disadvantages and danger in this new medium, one of the The major problem with social media is that users tend to communicate informally, this can impair their writing skills and it makes face-to-face communication and interaction not important. Most of the articles that are posted online are due to impulse and emotions thus; users got carried away with their emotions and posted some inappropriate articles without proofreading them. Another one is plagiarism that I discuss on my other blog post, the material or ideas that are posted online might not be authentic.

Obscure words

Are you a logophile? Basically the word logophile means word-lovers, most of these people are professional writer author or scholars.
In business communication class
Apparently in our business communication class vague and obscure words should be replace with common and easy to understand words, but yet there are words that could be useful to us in our career for these words sound eloquently, these words are helpful in communicating and we could impress our clients, colleagues and bosses in our field but yet there are a lot words that should be avoided. Here are some business terms and words that I found online and words that might be useful in our program and in our career:

Wroth: Synonym for anger (usually use as predicate)
Ex: The boss was wroth when he saw the employees slacking off.

 Quomodocunquize: one who tries to make money anyway possible.
Ex: As a business student at Sheridan College we have to be quomodocunquize.

 Kakorrhaphiophobia: fear of failure.

 Flocinaucinihilipiliphication: the action of estimation is worthless.

Impecunious: having no cash or money.

Notophile: one who collects bank notes.

Retrench: to cut down or to reduce

A lot of these dreaded words are very hard to remember there is less chance that you will come across with these words however, the use of these words make your letters, memos or emails sound formal, professional and smart.

Here’s one more obscure word that can be useful in describing teens and their addiction to vampire movies like twilight:
-Necrophilia- means attraction toward corpses

Please comment or personal message me if you come across with other useful obscure words